Version 3.7.10 (Mar 19 2023): see for all details here
- New twig-functions: With wp_get_files_in_dir(dir) you can read the filesystem of ther server (if permissions allow this), wp_get_memory(FLAG) gives you the memory PHP allocates for this WordPress request, see here for more
- Extending caching: The curloptions are now also part of the caching-identifier. When checking if there is a cached file, also the curloptions are checked if they changed.
- Bugfix: twig-filter “sortjsonarray” no works as with version 3.7.7 (there was a bug resulting in not sorting some JSON)
- Remember – purge JCI-PRO: The JCI-PRO plugin is very backwards compatible. It comes with several old twig-parsers (all execpt the adjusted Versions 3.3.2 and 3.5.1) and a JCI-parser similar to that of the free JCI plugin. It’s planned to remove all those deprecated stuff at June 1 2023. The JCI-Options Tab “Check install” displays when your JCI-PRO installation uses a deprecated twig-parser. Check this and switch to “JCI-twig 3.5.1”, please.